We provide customized, age appropriate modules of various online
and offline awareness programs for children, women, youth and adults:

Being Responsible Netizens
A customised one-time education module
on online safety for students, teachers and parents within educational institutions

Building Digital Guardians
Workshops on empowering parents to
protect children online, thereby becoming effective cyber caregivers and digital guardians

Cyber Sakhi
A customised one-time education module
on online safety for students, teachers and parents within educational institutions

Cyber Bro
A one-time education programme to
educate college students about online
safety and making them cyber safety ambassadors

Cyber Smart Schools
A 1 year intensive research-based
programme to convert the entire schools ecosystem to being cyber smart
and cyber safe

Building Digital Rakshaks
A customized program that empowers child protection and community organizations as proactive responders against cyber violence on children

Digital Stree Shakti
A customised one-time education module
on online safety for students, teachers and parents within educational institutions

Vittiya Saksharata
The Joy of the Internet
A module on Digital Financial Empowerment. Short user-friendly modules on digital literacy for community mobilisation and empowerment, also catering to senior citizens
Partner Programs

Building Digital Rakshak
Responsible Netism joined forces with the Department of Women & Child Development Maharashtra for an impactful initiative across six regions in Maharashtra: Pune, Nashik, Aurangabad, Amravati, Nagpur, and Mumbai, covering 37 districts creating a significant impact. The program empowered 450+ members of the state child protection mechanisms and community-based organizations, transforming them into a “DIGITAL RAKSHAK”. These individuals were equipped to respond effectively as first responders to cases of cyber violence against children and protect their cyber rights, to create a safer digital environment for our young ones.
The closure program was graced by esteemed dignitaries including, Hon’ble Minister, Aditi Tatkare, Women and Child Development Department Maharashtra, Shri. Rahul More, Deputy Commissioner of Women & Child, Maharashtra, Dr. Prashant Narnaware (IAS), Commissioner of Women & Child Development, Maharashtra, Smt. Suvarna Pawar, Divisional Deputy Commissioner, Konkan Region, Shri. Ashok Bagwe, a renowned poet and literati, renowned film actor Pushkar Shrotri, Tasqeen Macchiwalla and Dr. Aditya Charegaonkar from the Ajim Premji Foundation, and our own Sonali Patankar, Founder & President, and Unmesh Joshi, Co-Founder & COO of Responsible Netism.

Cyber Wellness Cell
Vikram University, Ujjain, MP, in collaboration with IQAC hosted an international seminar, 'Youth for Cyber Wellness,' with Responsible Netism as the Knowledge Partner. This event was part of India's G-20 presidency, focusing on youth empowerment. Responsible Netism signed an MOU with Vikram University to establish India's and MP's first "Cyber Wellness Cell", as first response to online distress and harassment within the educational campus. It's a vital step towards creating a #CyberSafeCampus and grooming youth as #CyberSafetyAmbassadors. Over 800 participants attended this seminar.

Building Cyber Resilience Through Digital Literacy
Responsible Netism partnered with the Dosti House to run various educational programs across the states of Maharashtra, Goa, Gujarat and Madhya Pradesh under the series titled, “Building Cyber Resilience through Digital Literacy”. the various topics included were - “Misinformation Vs Disinformation”, "Digital Data Protection - Need of the Hour" and “Building Cyber Safety Ambassadors”

Cyber Sakhi
With most young girls and women being vulnerable to cyber-crimes due to lack of awareness, it is essential to empower them with techniques to protect themselves from internet abuse or threats. Education on prevention of online distress is the key to ensuring young girls and women leading responsible and safe virtual lives.The programme Cyber Sakhi in collaboration with BOB Financials highlighted the types of cyber crimes against women, legal implications of cyber crimes, psychological impacts of irresponsible behavior, tech tips to secure devices and most importantly understanding reporting mechanisms of cyber-crimes to report any form of objectionable content and abuse online.

Building Digital Guardians
The programme Building Digital Guardians in collaboration with BOB Financials was a unique 60 minute virtual workshop for every parent, interested in safe guarding their child online by equipping them as proactive Digital Guardians.The workshop highlighted natures of cyber-crimes committed by and on children, screen time regulations, understanding apps, social media, online gaming related safety and security tools and measures so as to build safety nets for children most importantly, reporting mechanisms of online distress.

Cyber Smart Schools Mumbai and
Cyber Smart Schools Outreach Programme
The Cyber Smart Schools programme in collaboration with WNS Cares Foundation aimed at making the ecosystems of educational institutions safe online, through intensive training and intervention. The programme highlighted the significance of cyber wellness and its impacts on children and youth, through constructive usage of technology, preventing internet addiction and misuse; thereby protecting them from cyber-crimes. Through this interactive awareness programme, the facilitators of Responsible Netism provided technical tips to secure gadgets, sensitized the participants about social media apps, gadget addiction, gaming, gambling and age inappropriate content; highlighting psychological impacts and legal implications of irresponsible online behavior.This programme proved to be instrumental in addressing issues related to cyber threats faced by children and enabled adults to evolve strategies towards resolving those issues.

Cyber Alert Schools
Responsible Netism, under the joint aegis of HDFC Bank Parivartan, Ministry of Education, Government
of Maharashtra, further supported by the Deputy Director of Education, Mumbai and Post Graduate Department of Psychology of SNDT Women’s University, Churchgate, undertook an ambitious project called “Cyber Alert Schools” for students of grades VI to IX in the H ward State Board schools.The programme was designed to ensure that rather than holding back children or having them risk their safety and privacy online, these workshops would teach them to be responsible, safe and practical in the online world.

Being Responsible Netizens
Responsible Netism in conjunction with the Thane and Mumbai Cyber cells, sensitized children, youth and parents within the sphere of educational institutions since academia played a crucial role in impacting and developing children and youth. We conducted customized 'One-time One-hour' child-friendly interactive sessions titled “Being Responsible Netizens” for students of STD V onwards and for parents. The sessions focused on highlighting psychological impacts and legal implications of irresponsible online behavior and provided technical tips to secure gadgets to enable constructive use of technology, to promote online safety and cyber wellness.

Responsible Netism Week 2014
This week-long celebration of a series of programmes was in collaboration with Mumbai Police, EMDI Institute of Media & Communication (Thane), Maharashtra Times, Ruia College and Vandrewala Foundation. Topics covered were - Cyber Law Unplugged, Building Trust in Technology and Responsible Citizens, Responsible Netizens

Cyber Safe Thane - Workshop for NSS Students
The Cyber Safe Thane workshop organised by Team Responsible Netism in collaboration with Maharashtra Police (Thane Police & Cyber Cell) and NSS Thane City of Colleges. The workshop was attended by 250 students from 11 colleges in Thane city. These volunteers sensitized 25,000 citizens in Thane city about cyber safety and responsible online behavior.This programme proved to be instrumental in addressing issues related to cyber threats faced by students and enabled young adults to evolve strategies towards resolving those issues.

Cyber Safety Awareness Campaign
Official launch of Responsible Netism’s programme Cyber Safety Awareness - “Cyber space - Safe to Use, Unsafe to Misuse”, a joint initiative of Thane Police, NASSCOM and DSCI

National Cyber Psychology Conference
Since 2017, Responsible Netism has successfully hosted 9 unique national-level Conferences on Cyber Psychology as annual events across Maharashtra, Goa, and Madhya Pradesh.
To expand the impact of our conferences, we have also organized several round-table discussions to drive momentum and foster collective action across various states.
Our annual event has brought together stalwarts and experts to tackle online challenges and promote cyber wellness for the youth. Since its inception, these conferences have positively impacted over 30,000 lives, featured 350+ distinguished speakers, and significantly influenced government policy recommendations. The conference invites all stakeholders dedicated to children’s well-being to collaborate in advancing cyber wellness as a nationwide movement. It seeks to foster collaboration among government entities, educators, parents, law enforcement, mental health professionals, and technology providers to collectively enhance the meaningfulness of our education systems. We eagerly anticipate uniting cyber wellness advocates to promote the responsible and positive use of technology.

Themes of Past Conferences
2025: Youth for Cyber Wellness
2024: Evolution of Cyber Wellness in Education
2023: Cyber Wellness: Ensuring Mental Well-being in Cyberspace
2022: India Fights Cyber Violence Against Women and Children
2021: Coping With Technology, New Education Policy and New Normal
2020: Child Online Protection
2019: Child Online Protection
2018: Building a Cyber Hygiene Culture
2017: Living Life 2.0: Coming Together to Interface Our Online and Offline Lives
2018: Building a Cyber Hygiene Culture
2017: Living Life 2.0: Coming Together to Interface Our Online and Offline Lives
Responsible Netism turned 10 on October 16, 2022!
To celebrate this remarkable milestone, team Responsible Netism released a handbook titled “Cyber Crime Investigations Against Women & Children - A Guide for Law Enforcement Agencies” and launched the pan-India “CYBER WELLNESS HELPLINE - 7353 10 7353”, at the hands of respected Shri. Mangal Prabhat Lodha ji, Hon. Minister of Women and Child, on Saturday, November 12, 2022, in Mumbai. The occasion was graced by eminent stalwarts from the domain of mental health, information technology, law enforcement, education, the development sector and the print and electronic media.
This decade-long journey has been one the most enriching and rewarding ones, as we empowered over 15 lakh children and adults so far. We aspire to work with passion, dedication and commitment towards the cause of women and child online safety and to make India cyber safe for one and all.
Take a Sneak Peek at Our Decade Long Journey…
The handbook, “Cyber Crime Investigations Against Women & Children - A Guide for Law Enforcement Agencies”, aims at providing guidelines to the law enforcers for registering cyber-crime related cases, against women and children. Victims of cyber-crime can reach out to our user-friendly pan-India Cyber Wellness Helpline, to report and seek help. The objectives of these contributions are to ensure women and children are protected in cyber space and will have access to simpler reporting mechanisms and seek timely help during online distress.