Do you think you are safe online?This is what you need to do!
Select online games by checking their rating and content on or
Avod idownloading games/material from usourcesnknown or unverified
Report online bullying done on gaming platforms, avoid chatting through gaming platforms especially with strangers
It is NOT COOL to boast about playing illegal games or accepting challenges to draw attention
Do not spread rumours about dangerous games, they cause more panic and harm
Learn self-control, avoid dependency or addiction and minimise screen-time
Never share personal details like name, address, date of birth, contact details etc. online
Be kind with words, memes, videos and the content you post

No person/game/activity online should make you feel scared, threatened, fearful, ashamed, confused
When you are asked not to disclose an objectionable incident to adults, YOU MUST share it with your parents or teacher
Do not attempt self-harm, your life is valuable, you are loved by your parents the way you are
Never ask for or share any objectionable pictures (nudes/semi-nudes)with friends, peers nor strangers, this results to a severe cyber crime
Often, many children know secrets about their friend's unsafe behaviour, do not shy away from reporting cases
Any signs of distress, extreme anger, violence, aggression, sadness, talking of death, killing or harming that you or your friends face or express, needs attention, seek help from a trusted adult
Social media is legal for age 13 and above only
Do not hack others accounts / WiFi, it is a Cyber Crime
Do not create fake accounts to harass others, it is a Cyber Crime
Stay safe and be a Responsible Netizen
Download Safety Tips
We are sharing the following safety tips with parents, school teachers and adults to enable them to protect their children and themselves online. It is extremely important to be alert and cautious to proactively identify and protect ourselves from online threats.
Concerned about your child’s and your personal online activities?
This is what you need to do!
Panic is a natural reaction to rumours. Stay calm, share only verified information online
Talk, share, communicate and listen to what children say about their virtual world
Pick up the following important signs of distress your child may face, seek help immediately:

Loneliness, sadness, grumpiness
Self-harm attempts, marks on the body, talking about worthlessness, death, giving up life, not being wanted, not being loved
Disturbed food and sleep patterns
Extreme anger and violence, change in behaviour, extreme mood swings
If your child is being bullied, harassed or threatened, or if your child himself/herself is the bully
Hiding phones or gadgets from you
Extreme dependency on phones, gadgets, games, unable to divert attention from them
Ensure children play physical outdoors games at least for 1 hour every day
Beware, many online games are illegal and or may have objectionable content, check game ratings on or
Get involved with your child's online activity, know the games they download install and play
Teach children to be kind with words, cyber bullying is a crime, do not get influenced by dares and bullies
Teach children to raise their voice against any objectionable content and report to a trusted adult
Teach children the power to say “NO” to what is wrong
Teach children not to spread rumours, and report anything they find objectionable or concerning
Check ratings, content and the age appropriateness of the game through verified Apps
Check internet history, if clean, it is time to intervene and talk to children
Set rules of time, nature of games played, no compromises on sharing personal information, chatting through Messengers with people online
Playing games involving money, bitcoins, allowing children to shop online or using your banking cards independently should be strictly prohibited
Empower children to stand up against bullying, accept that your child could also need help
Promote online games related to sports, strategy and quest games
Channelize your children's Technical Quotient (TQ), provide alternative constructive creative activities against screen time
Limit screen exposure, “NO” screens during meals
Download Safety Tips
Online Sexual Harassment

This is what you need to do!
If you are a minor, inform an adult immediately, especially from parents, seek help of your teacher, principal or counsellor
Immediately report abuse on the respective platform eg – Facebook, Snapchat, WhatsApp, Instagram etc.
Write a complaint to the nearest police station, attach evidence of the content as hard copies, provide the website link of the content
It is a crime to share nude images or go LIVE stream (nude) with anybody online, especially if you are a minor
Social Media Fraud
Have you received obscene, threatening content (photo, video, abusive words) through SMS or Email or through Chats on Social Networking sites?
This is what you need to do!
Do not panic and DON’T delete the content, take a screenshot/print screen of the page along with the URL/website link
Save the content in the form of Chat/SMS/Email/Image/Video (take a Screenshot or Print Screen)
If you are a minor, inform an adult especially parents
Write a complaint to the nearest police station, attach evidence of the content as hard copies, provide website links of the content
Immediately report abuse on the respective platform eg – Facebook, Snapchat, WhatsApp, Instagram etc.

In case someone has created your Fake Account
In case of a minor, inform your parent or a trusted adult
In case of no access to the account, ask friends and family to report
If Identify the fake account
Report abuse on the social media platform
Complete the report mechanism procedure
Set up Two Factor Authentication of the account
Write a complaint to the nearest police station providing evidence
In case your account has been hacked!
In case of a minor, inform your parent or a trusted adult
Try accessing your account using the “forgot password” technique
If Identify the fake Report abuse on the social media platform
Set up Two Factor Authentication of the account
Write a complaint to the nearest police station providing evidence
Economic Offences

This is what you need to do!
Store the banks 24×7 helpline number
Immediately call the bank to verify and inform about the unauthorised transaction
Note the customer care executive’s name and save the complaint request number
Block the card to avoid further misuse
Submit a letter or e-mail to the branch
Give a written complaint to the police station, whose jurisdiction you fall under
If you fall prey to lottery, gambling or Nigerian frauds
Do not delete the message, save screenshots of the mails, messages take a print out
Give a written complaint to the police station nearest to you along with above evidences
Matrimonial Frauds
Are you cheated by any Matrimonial sites?
This is what you need to do!
Write an online complaint to the matrimony site
Save evidences of harassment or abuse of any form
Write a complaint to the nearest police station and attach the evidences

Screen Time Regulations
Assert clear norms and guidelines of no screens during meals
As an adult, follow these rules yourself

Online Gaming Rules

Responsible gaming rules and guidelines:
Do not make in-game purchases without parents consent
Respect others, don’t bully anyoneUse game laws and rules
Never meet anyone in real
Do not get attracted to offers, pressured by other gamers Verify whom you connect with on discord
Don’t share discord link with strangers on social media
Play multiplayers games with people you know in real, not with strangers
Legal Age On Social Media